When any person aspires to become the leader of the most powerful nation on earth, the rest of the civilised world prays that that person will uphold civilized values such as honesty and respect for freedom-loving nations.
The revelations in the media of the dishonesty and utter disrespect of Joe Biden (Democratic Party) for the Afrikaner nation, should rule him out of contention for election as President of the USA immediately.
We know that it has become fashionable in socialist circles all over the world to associate oneself with the communist Nelson Mandela to gain the trust of fellow socialists, including full-blown communists. But to blatantly tell a lie that one was arrested in Soweto by Afrikaners while one was struggling to reach that communist icon, Nelson Mandela, on Robben Island, some one thousand five hundred kilometres away from Soweto, sets a new standard of dishonesty, and contempt for the Afrikaner nation.
The civilised voters of the USA can never entrust the awesome power and responsibility of the office of president of the USA to such a liar and an enemy of a nation renowned world-wide for its continuous struggle against communist oppression.
Leader, Afrikaner Self-determination Party.